CRCHY News Blog

I Choose

This week, as part of National Prevention Week, the students at CR North participated in I CHOOSE. Students shared the activities that they CHOOSE to participate in over drugs and alcohol. We love to see students making smart decisions!

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Kick Butts Day 2019

March 20th was National #KickButtsDay and the SADD chapters are our local high schools will be sharing the following message with their school communities and the table top cards will be displayed at lunch (images below): Today we recognize national Kick Butts day....

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Raising Great Kids: College 101 Recap

On Tuesday night, January 15th, we had a great crowd of over 120 people join us for Raiding Great Kids: College 101. Ms. Francine Block, college admissions consultant, shared her knowledge of the college admission process. CRCHY thanks Ms. Block for her continued...

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Spreading the Word

CRCHY's efforts to spread the word about PA Stop continued with a stickie note on the front of the Bucks County Courier Times yesterday (12/30/2018). It was the last Sunday edition of 2018 and also happened to be the day the paper published it's final installment in a...

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Cleaning Out Your Medicine Cabinet

If you're cleaning out your medicine cabinets in the new year, don't throw any medications into the trash OR down the drain! You can safely dispose of medications at a permanent disposal box from the list below. Keep our water supply safe by making sure unneeded or...

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Breakfast with Santa

Many thanks to the Newtown Business Association (NBA) for choosing Council Rock Coalition for Healthy Youth as the beneficiary of this year's Breakfast with Santa! It was a great event and we loved being there! CRCHY volunteers helped support the event as Santa's...

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Spreading the Word About PA Stop

CRCHY recently participated in the Annual Newtown Business Association Holiday Parade. Spreading the word about, volunteers and staff walked alongside the mobile billboard and handed out awareness bracelets. The festive event draws thousands of people to...

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Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Trainings are now available for FREE* to individuals living and working in Bucks County Sponsored through SAMSHA, for Bucks County “Now is the Time: Healthy Transitions” Grant, managed through the Bucks County LIFE program WHAT IS...

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PA Stop PSA’s

The campaign helps people with substance use disorder find resources in their county and hopes to reduce the stigma around addiction. Several local and federal representatives helped CRCHY create the following PSA's at the 2018 Middletown Grange Fair. We...

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Drug Take Back Day – October 27th

Turn in your unused, unneeded or expired medications for SAFE disposal! This event is FREE and anonymous. Join us on Saturday, October 27th from 10am - 2pm at the locations on the flyer below. For more information you can visit: Download...

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CRCHY at NBA’s Business & Culinary Fair

CRCHY attended the Newtown Business Association's annual Business & Culinary Fair at the Newtown Athletic Club on Wednesday, September 12th. The event showcased over 70 local NBA businesses, trades, and savory tastings from local restaurants and catering...

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The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has developed an infographic identifying seven warning signs for underage drinking.


70% of kids who abuse prescription medications get them from family or friends—often from the medicine cabinet! Click HERE for more info on this important issue.

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