Parents: Are you concerned about your kids and potential substance abuse?
Don’t know where to start? Here’s an entry point: “Talk. They Hear You!” A program for parents.
This program is presented the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Northampton Township Municipal Building, 55 Township Road, Richboro, PA, at 7:15pm.
According to the most recent Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) 80% of kids say that THEIR PARENTS are the most influential source of information about drug & alcohol abuse. You are the front line!
This is a 1 hour introductory program and includes LOCAL statistics comparing Council Rock, Bucks County, PA and the USA. It finishes with tips and resources for further understanding what your children are facing as they go from childhood to adult status.
YOU CAN AND MUST HELP THEM DEAL WITH THESE PRESSURES at school, in activities like sports and peer pressure with their friends.
The FALL Schedule for 2018 is SEP 25th; OCT 23rd, & NOV 27th, 2018. (DEC is cancelled as that fourth Tuesday is Christmas Day.)
The program is free through donated time and funding, in conjunction with Northampton Township Parks & Recreation. Registration helps us prepare…. so please go to
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