Oct 23, 2019 | Events, Opiod Misuse, Prescription and OTC Drugs
Please join us Saturday, October 26th for National Take Back Day. CRCHY volunteers will be out helping with the collection in Newtown Borough, Newtown Township and Northampton areas. Detailed event information is below.
Nov 1, 2018 | Opiod Misuse, PA Stop, Prescription and OTC Drugs
The PAStop.org campaign helps people with substance use disorder find resources in their county and hopes to reduce the stigma around addiction. Several local and federal representatives helped CRCHY create the following PSA’s at the 2018 Middletown Grange Fair....
Sep 1, 2018 | Articles, Opiod Misuse, PA Stop
Newtown, PA – The Council Rock Coalition for Healthy Youth (CRCHY) has been awarded an $8,000 mini-grant to implement a comprehensive opioid misuse prevention media campaign to Bucks County residents. The grant was one of 19 grants, totaling $152,000, offered by the...
Apr 27, 2018 | Events, Opiod Misuse, Prescription and OTC Drugs
The schedule for the Together We Can conference has been issued. We hope to see you there on Saturday!
Apr 22, 2018 | Events, Opiod Misuse, Prescription and OTC Drugs
Join us on Saturday April 28th for the Together We Can Conference. This Convention is to Rally the Community, the Government, Churches, Health Facilities, Recovery Resources and Other Facilities of Bucks County to address the issues of Addiction, Drugs and the Opioid...
Feb 22, 2018 | Events, Opiod Misuse
Residents of Bucks County can attend a free community session to learn about signs and symptoms of addiction & opiate overdose, how to use the opiate overdose-reversal medication Narcan, and learn about community resources. The presentation will provide substance...