National Families in Action
National Families in Action is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that was founded in Atlanta, Georgia in 1977. The organization obtained the nation’s first state laws banning the sale of drug paraphernalia. It led a national effort to help parents replicate Georgia’s laws in other states to prevent the marketing of drugs and drug use to children and helped them form parent groups to protect children’s health.
National Families in Action issued a new report, “Tracking the Money That’s Legalizing Marijuana and Why It Matters,” to mark its 40th Anniversary. The report tracks the money three billionaires spent to persuade Americans that marijuana is harmless, a medicine, and should be legal. Read the report here: NFIA_Tracking the Money_News Release_031417F
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Programs Solve America’s Youth Substance Use & Health Problem
To more fully understand marijuana, you have to know the language of marijuana. Marijuana has its own language. That’s due in part to the complexity of marijuana as a plant, and its chemical makeup. To learn more, review this document from Prevention Plus Wellness: ESSENTIAL MARIJUANA TERMS
Drug Free: and
Helping kids and teens reject substance abuse by influencing attitudes through persuasive information. Need help? Get Help! Drug prevention, abuse, intervention, treatment and recovery. provides answers, guidance, tips, and stories.
NIDA for Parents:
Parents are often concerned about whether their children will start or are already using drugs such as tobacco, marijuana, and others, like prescription drugs. Learn the scientific facts about drugs and drug abuse and what you can do to prevent your children from starting to take drugs or progressing further into drug abuse.
Prescription Drug Abuse
How many teens are abusing prescription drugs — and why? And what can parents do to prevent this risky behavior? Find answers to these questions and more in this fact sheet.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. In order to achieve this mission, SAMHSA has identified 8 Strategic Initiatives to focus the Agency’s work on improving lives and capitalizing on emerging opportunities.
Time To Act:
It can be a scary time when you suspect or discover your child is drinking or using drugs. Even the savviest of parents can feel lost and unsure of what to do. The Partnership for a Drug Free America has launched Time To Act, a new, first-of-its-kind resource to help parents spot signs and symptoms, have productive conversations with their teens, and find outside help if they need it. Time To Act was created to ensure that every parent has free access, on their own terms, to the most current research-based information on how to help their child – and their family – take the next steps. The Partnership, and CADY, believes that no parent should go through this alone, without guidance from experts and other parents.