Dear Community Members,

On Wednesday, May 11th at 7pm at CR South, CRCHY will host Michael Bradley, a licensed clinical psychologist with a doctoral degree in psychology from Temple University, has over 30 years of experience working with adolescents.  In addition, he is the award-winning author of four books.

Register now for this timely topic to learn how to help our youth today:

Saving Today’s Overwhelmed Kids with Love, Laughter, and the Science of Resilience

Anxiety and depression in adolescents can now be considered an epidemic, with reliable data showing a 500% increase over five decades. This stunning statistic is exacerbated by the isolation and stress brought on by the recent pandemic.

This dynamic and entertaining 2-hour program from Dr. Michael J. Bradley: 

  •  Reviews the latest teen risk behaviors of bullying, sex, drugs, and violence, which relate to their excessive stress levels.
  • Explains the neurology of the teen brain, focusing upon its decision-making deficits, resilience challenges and unprecedented vulnerability to anxiety and depression.
  • Compares today’s adolescent world with that of its parents, revealing critical parenting factors that have contributed to this risk-laden trend.
  • Shares research proving that an appropriate “dose” of stress protects against the diseases of anxiety and depression.
  • Offers a set of specific resilience-building parenting strategies, or “what to do when.”
  • Allows for extensive audience Q&A.

Please register to ensure enough materials can provided at the event: